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High Ranks For The Verduci Mafia

In The Verduci Mafia, there are only 6 ranks that are considered High Ranks, and only 1 person fulfills each position. A description of each High Rank will be listed below.



ImAJuicyMango (Robbie) is the Don (Leader) of The Verduci Mafia. He can handle large amounts of pressure, but will not tolerate disrespect.

KSI x Pineapple


KSI x Pineapple (Gary) is the Underboss (Second In Command) of The Verduci Mafia. KSI x Pineapple will assume leadership over THe Verduci Mafia if the Don is killed, imprisoned, or retires.


(Head of Bodyguards)

TyHot102 (Tyler) is the Head of the Bodyguards in The Verduci Mafia. Please contact Tyler if you are looking into becoming a Bodyguard and he will give you more information.



Ethanj361 (Ethan) is the Consigliere(Third In Command) of The Verduci Mafia. He is the advisor to the family and helps us make important decisions.


(Front Boss)

TBA: This person will be in charge of our legit businesses to bring in revenue.


(Street Boss)

TBA: This person is in charge of our illegal activities.

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